
80042 C/SIDE Introduction in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009
Тип семинара: Семинар
Дата начала: года
Продолжительность: 5 дней / 0 часов
Организатор: Giusto Consulting
Город: Москва
Адрес: Шлюзовая набережная, д. 6, стр. 4
Телефоны: 7 495 642-44-05
Место проведения: Москва, Giusto Consulting
Преподаватели:   Преподаватель будет определен позже
Стоимость: 0 руб., за человека

*Описание курса представлено на английском языке. Курс
читается на русском языке.
About this Course
The five-day course, C/SIDE Introduction in Microsoft Dynamics 2009
examines all aspects of the Development granules that are available for
Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009. This course covers the Microsoft Dynamics NAV
software architecture, the Client/Server Integrated Development Environment
(C/SIDE), the objects available to developers which includes tables, forms,
pages, reports, dataports, XMLports, codeunits, and MenuSuites, basic
programming, data manipulation, and integration options available in Microsoft
Dynamics NAV 2009. In addition, this course provides an intensive introduction
to Client/Application Language (C/AL), the Microsoft Dynamics NAV programming
A thorough understanding of these topics allows to streamline the development
processes by learning how to develop integrations and customizations for the
Microsoft Dynamics NAV. This course teaches how to navigate within the
development environment, how to create and use the basic objects, and how to
implement best practices for ensuring smooth software upgrades in the future.
Ссылка на
регистрацию: http://www.giustoconsulting.com/training-centre/training-request.html

Скидки: http://www.giustoconsulting.com/category/specials

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